兩 個Bustin Longboard Team 隊員- Bruno Sorondo & Toti Bicicleta ,花了5個禮拜的時間,只利用板子和大眾交通工具在大陸各城市滑跳,從小巷到郊區,穿梭在人潮與各種建築地形中,滑行的城市包含上海,杭州,北京… 等,西方的運動如何衝擊東方的文化,從這影片或許可以看出點端倪。
Where would you go if you had a full month to explore a country using nothing but your board and public transportation? We asked Bustin Team riders Bruno Sorondo and Toti Bicicleta and film maker Perropro that question and the answer was undeniable: China. For 5 weeks the three man Spanish crew traveled across China skating and filming in some of the most majestic and eclectic spots on the planet. Bruno and Toti; Part traveling freak show, part skate apostles, their journey through the old and the new of China is captured here by the genius of Perropro. Enjoy!
Bustin Boards is a Brooklyn-based longboard skateboard company. Our boards and components are distributed on six continents and our international team is made up of some of the most talented and creative skaters on the planet. Learn more about our company and our team at BustinBoards.com.