SB長片:Get Outta Town
Get Outta Town Full Movie
世上頗具知名度的雪地滑板鬆雪團隊- Devun Walsh, Iikka Backstrom, Dustin Craven, Eero Niemela, Ryan Tiene, and Benji Ritchie,到加拿大BC省的後山滑野雪,跳懸岩,光看每個騰空飛翔的面動作畫面就是種享受!
One of the most highly regarded crews of professional riders when it comes to backcountry prowess compiled one of the most highly enjoyed webisode series of the season, Get Outta Town. The off piste saavy and style of Devun Walsh, Iikka Backstrom, Dustin Craven, Eero Niemela, Ryan Tiene, and Benji Ritchie combined with the auteur-ism of Clayton Larsen, Anthony Vitale, and Pascal Gallant to create a series of episodes and full parts in which the filmmaking complimented the complexity of what the riders were putting down in the BC backcountry and beyond. Now the crew that has caused you to drop your jaw time aand time again while replaying trick after trick has compiled their year’s worth of footage into one full length: The Get Outta Town Full Movie. Enjoy.