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KAZAKHSTAN (Find Snowboarding)

KAZAKHSTAN (Find Snowboarding)

in 長片, 雪板 | 0 comments

Find Snowboarding: KAZAKHSTAN

3個來自Rome Snowboard 團隊,到哈薩克(KAZAKHSTAN)拜訪,在街頭尋找樂子!


哈薩克並不流行snowboard,他們的到訪帶給哈薩克很大的衝擊,哈薩克戰鬥民族的特性,也激起他們的snowboard魂,從狂野喝Vodak,到摔斷手,打石膏繼續滑~  This is snowboarding. They find it!



After countless pitches, explanations and justifications to the Kazakh consulate about how three snowboarders were looking to ride in their streets and not the nearby Himalayas, they finally agreed to let this motley crew in.
The result was something far beyond our expectations—a rail mission that became an adventure. The crew bartered with locals for a van named 「Rick」, continually bribed off corrupt officials, visited the Kazakh healthcare system and fought off bums or stray cows while trying to hit rails. Through it all, they opened the door to a multitude of snowboarding possibilities.
On the loose in unknown territory, LNP, Ozzy and Ian took to the streets of Almaty with the hopes of discovering new rails and features. What they found was much more than that.