Kamloops Longboard Park
在加拿大BC省 Kamloops (甘露) 城,那裏的長板玩家常常在街頭巷尾馬路上練習,因為居民受不了玩板所產生的噪音干擾,當地市政府不但沒有驅離這些長板玩家,反而在當地的山坡上蓋了長板專屬的練習場地,讓玩家們有地方去,真是揪感心! 如果我們也在大街小巷中玩,製造些噪音,不知道台灣政府會不會也幫我們蓋個公園? 我想還是直接驅離比較有可能! XD
這個場地依程度分成兩線,一條較緩,一條較陡,轉彎多,路面不寬,看起來應該蠻有挑戰性的! 如果有個覽車能夠坐上去就更完美了~
The City of Kamloops is getting close to completing its longboard training facility in Aberdeen. Crews are putting final touches on the downhill longboard course behind Pacific Way Elementary School as part of the West Highlands Park upgrades. The city says it has consulted with local longboarders to help with the design.
Longboarding has been the source of some tensions within the city because riders have been practicing their skills on some streets and neighbourhoods where residents don’t like the noise. The city’s decision to build a track gives the longboarding community a dedicated space to practice, the first of it’s kind in Kamloops.
Organizers hope to host an event here in 2015. In the mean time, signs will be posted to inform users of regulations and protocols to make sure everyone is safe. The city says this project is well within its $160-thousand dollar budget. Once complete, longboarders will have two runs to choose from.