基地板倉 OnBoard Shop 今天上板了嗎?



in 長板, 長片 | 0 comments

#EspañaExtraña Longboard Adventure



兩個長板玩家- Bruno 和 Toti,在西班牙到處尋找鮮為人知的建築物和廢墟,看到甚麼就滑甚麼,牆上,屋頂上,火車上,石頭路,泥土,鐵軌,水壩…幾乎甚麼都滑,把長板可滑的地形推向了極限,也讓我們看到許多西班牙的廢墟之美。


Bruno&Toti are back on this unique adventure in the Spanish land.
This is not like other adventures, is not a skateboard or longboard video, is and adventure through skating, discovering some of the most rare and unknown places in our country, proving that you don´t have to travel to the other side of earth to be amazed by new landscapes. From downhill skateboarding to dessert skating.
Don´t forget to check the end of the video where you will find some extra footage like B-roll, a crash compilation, or some fun raw runs.